ID: 02580 << Back to Pepakura Gallery Gundam Kestrel from AoZ (by Rmat2004) password: Gundam Kestrel from Advance of Zeta Manga there is 2 file, 1 for 1/100 scale (MG) and the other is for 1/60 scale (PG) for any other info you can contact my facebook page or visit pixiv zip file (8.44MB) 5522 downloads (36 this month) posted April 2, 2022 Copyright of every work belongs to its author. Please contact to the author if you want to use the data not for personal use.
there is 2 file, 1 for 1/100 scale (MG) and the other is for 1/60 scale (PG)
for any other info you can contact my facebook page
or visit pixiv