Tama Software Ltd.
— An interface among people with different cultures —
Localize English software and manuals to Japanese. With high quality and clear price.
Allows you to create developments for paper craft easily from 3D data of 3D CG software. Try to create your original works!
SoftOffice provides rental (shared) offices in Tokyo and Yokohama in Japan. As a pioneer of shared office in Tokyo area, we provide useful and low cost offices for long term users.
Convert MS-Office document and XML
Extract text contents from OpenXML formatted MS-Office document (.docx .xlsx .pptx) files to XML format, and conversely embed the contents of the XML files to the original Office document files.
This system is free (no charge).
We develop C compilers for various processors including 8086 and RISC processors.
Toas 1.04 is a COM component for Windows Scripting Host.
PC Telnetd is a standard telnet server (daemon) which runs under Windows.
Tama Software Ltd.
E-mail: info@tamasoft.co.jp
Toward Senju Bldg. 1-801, 3-6 Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5813-5563 / Fax: +81-3-5813-5564